There are a number of ways to make the outside of your home more appealing and adding a pond to your garden is a great way to use up that extra space that you have. It will draw many insects, reptiles and birds to your home and you can have your very own oasis at the back or front of your home. You can have your very own private Eco system and it will be of benefit to your flowers, shrubs and lawn.

You can stock your pond using local freshwater fish in Woking and in no time, you will have many shapes and colours of fish living right there in your garden pond. Creating a garden pond offers up so many benefits and we will explore some of those now.

  1. It will look amazing. There is nothing more beautiful that the sunlight reflecting on the water of the pound and if you are lucky, you may even get a small colourful rainbow.
  2. A pond in your garden is a great friend to wildlife and you will have all sorts of animals deciding to set up home in your pond in no time.
  3. Having a pond is incredibly relaxing and the sound of water bubbling from a water feature or a fountain is just what you want to hear after a hard week’s work. Just sit down and listen.

A pond is a welcome addition to any home and it will increase the value of your property as well. It is a great hobby and you will learn something along the way.